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A man, 20, was held in Kitts Green on suspicion of conspiracy to steal from motor vehicles, which relate to six incidents in Birmingham and Sutton Coldfield
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COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) - A slow moving cold front just to our southeast is combining with an upper level low to spell wetter weather conditions Friday and Saturday, eventually drying out toward th
How to make snow in your own backyard |
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CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The following is written by WCNC Charlotte Chief Meteorologist Brad Panovich as part of the Weather IQ se
Grant Funds New Life-Saving Tool To Calaveras County Firefighting | - The Mother Lode's Local News, Sports, Weather, Movies, Classifieds, Yellow Pages, Real Estate
Game studies researchers explore collegiate esports in the new EGR Lab | Journalism and Communication
For many people, working with video games for a living is a dream. In the UO School of Journalism and Communication (SOJC), students, faculty and alumni are already doing it in the school’s ga
Automotive Thermal Management Valve Market Size, Share, Growth
Automotive Thermal Management Valve Market
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