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2023-02-16 15:48:28 By : Ms. Sara Chang

TORONTO, Ont. — Ontario is taking action to reduce smog-causing pollutants by targeting the use of emissions-control “delete kits” in the trucking industry.

In two Decision Notices posted just before Christmas, the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) outlined its processes, action plan and timelines for addressing environmentally non-compliant carriers using delete kits.

The notices outlined the regulatory process for developing the electronic test to detect emissions tampering, the implementation of an environmental test component in the annual safety inspection for a truck, and the amendments that transfer responsibility for vehicle emission inspections and enforcement from the MECP to the Ministry of Transportation.

It also highlighted how the non-compliant sector of the industry lobbied against this important environment initiative.

“Many comments were received about enforcement actions regarding the tampering or defeating of emissions control systems,” it said.

The Ontario Trucking Association quickly welcomed the move against non-compliant carriers.

“The non-compliant portion of our industry is becoming more brazen – to the extent of actually identifying themselves as lawbreakers to government and claiming they are above the law,” said OTA president Stephen Laskowski.

“Apparently, some in our sector actually believe governments should shield them from the same laws imposed on all compliant businesses,” he said.

The association also urged shippers to show leadership by addressing transportation service providers who may be moving their freight through delete-kit vehicles and polluting the environment.

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So the Ministry of Environment and Parks need something to do. There is no reason that TRAINS are allowed to spew diesel particulate matter with no control. I live by a train yard in London Ont. and 3 days or so a week I cannot go outside unless I wear a mask, in downtown London. There is a rec centre where old people and children congregate regularly down the street. Who’s looking out for OUR health – nobody.

As for my say I believe that the people at the OTA have no idea the cost of the repairs to these trucks. On top of that maybe the government should focus on not bring foreign works here to take jobs and work from Canadian drivers. Do people even have a clue about climate change, probably not but I will tell you nobody does from diesel and your body puts out more toxins in one day than any car and truck. Maybe they should fix the wasteful spending on stuff that does fix anything just another way to hurt the little guy and get free tax dollars. I do know what companies that are behind the OTA and each one doesn’t pay well and are trying to corner the market. But I have seen a lot of big companies go under and they cost the industry more money then one little guy. I go back farther than trans Canada folding and that was government owned. That will give you one hint of the problems I have seen. I will respectfully tell you this law will put more out of business at the price of a new truck of $180,000 plus for a new one. There is not a lot of money left in trucking unless the are taking it from the driver or the Owner operater.

If the manufacturers produced equipment that worked properly there would be no need for delete kits.

Quit spending money on delete kits!!! They cost plenty of money.

Just a computer hooked up to your ECM and set it in PTO mode (Power take off).

If a truck burns less fuel with a delete kit on it how can it put out more pollution..

Really? Wow lol go YouTube on how emissions control works. You can burn way more fuel with a filter system to removed particulates and other heavy forms of pollutions then if you just burned raw fuel. 2 strokes being phased out because of raw exhaust, 4 strokes have systems built in to return unburnt fuel to the motor and burn again and the cat in your exhaust is made up of certain metals that collect fine CO2 and other stuff. This is why we don’t use leaded fuel in are cars anymore because the lead witch can not be burn cloggs up everything. Back in the day before emissions control look at the photos of cuties. It’s God awful

Come on people the whole emission system controls doesn’t work! It kills off our honey bees, creates cancer, kills the trucking industry, it’s all about the money! so just grow up and drop it!!

This whole going after non complient emissions trucking companies gas absolutely nothing to do with concern for the environment! It has everything to do with greasing a squeaky wheel , those squeakers being companies who cry a river claiming it gives non compliant carriers a competitive edge, because their deleted more fuel efficient trucks are reliable enough to get the job done ! This whole society of spineless pussies needs to gros themselves a set of balls , stop the squeaking and tell them corporates to ease their greed and be happy with the percentage they earn! Instead of pointing fingers while flying around in their fuel guzzlers pretending to be green conscious !

Its about time they cracked down on these criminals who think they are above the law, blaming OEM’s, Foreign workers, large fleets and the cost of a new truck is the typical bs you expect from these so called vigilantes. the sooner they are caught, fined and put out of business the better so that the 85% of law abiding truckers can actually earn a living and do their part for global warming.

Good e-logging fleet puppy i see you are…… Deleted trucks is such a small portion of trucks on the rd its laughable. You want to make a difference? Get rid of self insurance and enforce carriers running with fake or stolen cvors and only half of their fleet insured, in places such as….ohh brampton and surry BC. That will level playing field.

Lol wow, IQ of these comments… -10…. Emissions control kills honey bees? Burning less fuel with no filters is less polluting then with filters? Common there has to be more logical people in the industry. If you don’t think emissions work here’s an experiment, take a big rig with a delete kit, put it in the garage big enough to hold it and close it in, start it let it run, see how fast you get sick compared to doing the same this to one that has emission control system. Watch how fast the building becomes hazy with a delete kit. An emissions system removes that.. No wonder the trucking industry is in the shape it’s in if this is the mind set there in… You only get paid the amount you do because you let them. If you don’t like it, want more money find a new career till they scream, when no one wants to drive and they become desperate then you’ll get your money. I switched carrers 3 times.

It’s not JUST fuel economy, there are OTHER pollutants that are affected by using delete kits, NOx for example.

What about wm. Groves trucks in East Hamilton. The trucks these guys drive stink to high heaven! You can hardly breath near one of them! Do something!

Emissions system on these trucks have been proven to cause cancer. Europe is now going away with the emissions systems currently in place for this and several other reasons. When you think about it, the environmental impact of these systems are much greater than initially believed. Producing and using DEF, and the non recyclable plastic containers they come in, the extra mining and manifacturing processes to produce the after treatment components that consistently fail in Canadian climates and then what do you do with these failed components when they come to their end of life? Back at the dump or “recycling”. If these systems worked, it might be a slightly different story, but they rarely work properly and the cost of keeping them running is ridiculous.

All you guys complaining about cost of maintaining Emissions OBVIOUSLY aren’t charging the rate you should be. If you are charging the proper rates to haul the freight you should have no issues paying for the maintenance on your units accordingly without circumventing the environmental laws. I run into these complaints with all my competitors on a regular bases and what it comes down everyone out there is letting the shippers get away without paying a fare price to move their freight. So to all of you, how about charging the appropriate rate so you can maintain your equipment and pay your drivers a reasonable wage so they can live a decent life and this would not be an issue. It’s called not turning a wheel to make money it’s making money when the wheels are turning.

Larry. You clearly missed the point. Why should I charge MORE because I have an unreliable truck. That’s like paying someone more money because they’re always out sick. You’re dumb.

The truck with the emissions has the particulator filter to collect the shit at first but do a regen in the same garage it’s lot worse than the delete truck. Delete trucks are more efficient, more power and less maintenance. Believe or not. If the delete truck is not efficient then it’s not tuned properly.

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